7 Reasons You Shouldn't Feel Guilty About Taking Time Off

Written by: Cora Gold

The travel industry is picking back up from before the COVID-19 pandemic, but many workers hesitate to take time off completely. If you feel guilty about taking time off, you might end up still checking emails, answering texts and making yourself available “for emergencies.”

You might feel guilty about taking time off from work for many reasons. Other employees might experience a greater workload or a changed schedule while you’re gone. You don’t want to inconvenience them. If you have more work to do once you come back, the thought of that may stop you from enjoying your time away. You might even be so used to going to work you might feel guilty about getting paid and not being there. 

Here are seven reasons you shouldn’t feel guilty about taking your time off. 

1. It Can Help Prevent Burnout 

Burnout is a common condition among employees and occurs when work gets too tedious or stressful. You must put in substantial mental and physical energy just to get through the day. 

Since the pandemic, 67% percent of workers reported more severe burnout. These last few years took a lot out of all of us. You deserve to take a break before the condition leads to mental health conditions or quitting your dream job. Vacations help you rest and recharge, so you feel refreshed when returning to the office. 

2. It’s Part of Your Work/Life Balance 

It’s a neverending quest. Trying to balance moving forward in your career while maintaining a home and social life. If you work full-time, you can be physically and mentally drained after work, cutting into quality time outside of it.

Taking time off to enjoy your time away from work isn’t something to feel ashamed about. It helps you catch up on time with yourself and your loved ones. Whether engaging in some self-care or spending quality time with friends and family, it’s worth experiencing all the things that make life worth living. 

3. You’ll Be a Better Employee

Some people think that stepping away for a few days makes them seem lazy or unhappy with their work. However, everyone deserves a break now and then. Taking time off of work can make you better at your job. 

Time away from work often helps employees focus when they return. When workers take a break, they can be more motivated to start strong when they return, versus the burnout that often leads to employees doing the bare minimum to get through the day. 

4. It Can Improve Your Health

Whether sitting in an office or on your feet all day, taking time away from work can improve your overall health. There is a strong connection between mental and physical health. When you do the same thing every day, you’ll likely need physical and mental rest occasionally. Taking breaks can help prevent and reduce symptoms of mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. 

You are more likely to be in good physical health when you have better mental health. You’ll have more energy to exercise and be socially active, which can keep your body healthy. It’s also common for employees to skip their routine appointments to avoid taking time off. When you don’t go to your physical, dental, eye, or other examinations, you increase the likelihood of developing severe conditions in the future. Working a job shouldn’t mean sacrificing your health. 

5. You Can Try New Things 

Work takes up a lot of time, and it's worth using time off to explore new things you want to do but haven’t had the time to try. If you’re not in your dream job, you can take some time to explore other options out there. Research or try out the skills you can use to advance in a different field. A job shouldn’t prevent you from chasing your dreams. 

You can also use the time to pay extra attention to your hobbies, whether it’s something you can do at home or want to travel to a convention or gathering. Having things outside of work can help fulfill you more than working alone. 

6. You Can Go to Different Places 

Taking time off is a great way to experience places you’ve never been or haven’t been to for a while. Travel has many advantages, from learning about different cultures, visiting far-away family and friends, or going to your favorite environments. 

Traveling also has mental health benefits. Stepping away from work can refresh you, as can being away from home responsibilities. When you leave, you’re less likely to stress about everything you need to do around the house, letting you enjoy your time off more. 

7. It’s Yours to Take!

Companies provide paid time off for their employees to take. It’s one of the benefits they commit to when you sign in to work for them. Why not take advantage of these days like you do other benefits, like insurance or a retirement program?

Some employers have expiration dates for time off, so you lose benefits when you don’t take advantage of them. Other employers do payouts, but it’s worth weighing whether the physical and mental disadvantages are worth getting the extra funds at the end of the year or your employment. You deserve to use the time you earn as a hard-working employee. 

Getting Rid of Vacation Guilt

Everyone deserves to take a break occasionally, and you don’t have to feel guilty. Taking your time off can improve your health, give you new opportunities and make you a better employee.


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