5 Ways To Prioritize Yourself in 2022

2021 has officially come to an end which brings in a new season of people pressuring themselves to change for society’s definition of perfect. Here come the weight loss commercials, the diet books, the money grind ideologies etc. Setting goals for yourself in the new year is never a bad idea, but prioritizing health, happiness and peace within those goals is what will truly make a difference in your lifestyle. This year I want to focus on prioritizing myself and what will make me feel best in my own body. Here are 5 ways I hope to do that:

  1. Time For Yourself

Life doesn't seem to slow down for anyone these days. There is so much focus on the world around us; work, relationships, school, etc. One of the things I’ve found most important to prioritizing myself is taking time to do the things I want to do, instead of the things I’m required to do for others' benefit. Whether it be meditation, journaling, reading, going for a walk around the neighborhood, practicing an instrument. Anything that will help you focus on yourself and your own interests can create a peaceful mindset to thrive in the new year.

2. Taking Care of Your Body & Surroundings

While taking care of your health & surroundings is an obvious task, it is not always as simple as it sounds. Exercise, eating healthy, and taking care of your body can sound intimidating when it’s not already incorporated into your daily routine. But the key to this is to find the ways it feels most simple and effective for you. Exercising doesn’t need to be a rigorous experience and eating right doesn't always have to mean boring & bland food choices. The most important thing is to fuel your body how it needs to be fueled. Trying different types of exercise, different types of food, and experimenting with what feels most comfortable for your body's needs & pleasures is necessary to create a healthy lifestyle for your body and mind. 

Taking care of your surroundings is also important. Keeping your personal areas clean and organized to the best of your ability elevates your motivation levels and creates a much more focused environment. This also includes beauty care; face masks, moisturizing, practicing good hygiene, etc. will help you practice self-care and prioritizing yourself. All of these lifestyle changes can be slowly and comfortably implemented in your daily routine so it doesn’t feel forced or non-doable.

3. Realistic goals

This concept is one that I struggle with the most. Setting unrealistic goals for yourself in an unrealistic period of time does nothing but damage your own ego and discourages you from completing more tasks in the future. Waking up in the morning and writing out a daily to-do list is one way to prevent these unrealistic goals. Thinking about the time you have in a day and what can actually be done within that time will help you be more productive and more confident in your skills and work ethic. Do not torture yourself by trying to complete a million tasks in one day. Take the time to spread it out into a do-able timeline and allow yourself to complete your tasks in a more productive & effective way. 

4. Watching your self-talk

Everyone is their own worst critic. Cliche, I know- but true nonetheless. How we speak to ourselves matters and affects the way we view our abilities, appearance, and our social skills. Being gentle with yourself and the words you choose will help your confidence and your mental health. The way we speak to ourselves matters and will have an effect on almost everything in our lives. Choose nicer and more encouraging words to speak to yourself so you can prioritize your health this year.

5. Grow at your own pace

Thanks to social media, it feels like all anyone ever does these days is compare themselves to everyone else around them. Sometimes the scariest part of my day is scrolling on Instagram just to see people I don’t even know posting their wins and creativity, and thinking how I could never compare. The important thing to remember is that no one’s life is as perfect as it seems. Everyone grows at their own pace and faces their own struggles on a daily basis. Social media is dangerous because people get to pick & choose the part of their life they want to broadcast. We don’t see someone's struggles or insecurities the same way they do. Realizing that everyone is different and grows at their own pace, in their own way is one of the best ways to prioritize yourself. Celebrating others for their wins is always a good thing, but make sure you're not doing it to put yourself down in your own mind. Grow at your own pace and celebrate your own wins too.

This year should be focused on making healthy choices for yourself so you & the people around you can thrive. These simple 5 steps can help create a whole new lifestyle for you in ways you never imagined possible. Taking time for yourself, your body/surroundings, setting realistic goals, watching your self-talk, and growing at your own pace are all important things to keep in mind all year long. Instead of feeling pressured by the new year, feel inspired and take the necessary steps to make yourself a priority this year.


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