Back to School Wellness Tips

Going back to school can be hectic. It's essential to make sure you're feeling good mentally and physically. The more time and energy you invest in your wellbeing, the more likely you will excel in other areas of your life. Wellness does not have to be complicated. Minor additions to your day can make a big difference.

1.) Set a Schedule

Setting a schedule will take away added stress throughout your day because it will allow you more time to get tasks done and will allow you to feel more organized. When you put aside time for something, you are more likely to sit down and get it down with no distractions.

2.) Make time for movement

This could be anything. Move your body in a way that makes you feel good. School can quickly get you into a routine that has you sitting at a desk all day. Movement not only enhances your mood but also helps decrease anxiety and stress. Which I know is something many students deal with throughout the semester.

3.) Start your day earlier

This is such a small change, but it makes a big difference. Just waking up one hour earlier allows you to get more done throughout the day. A productive morning can set your mood for the rest of the day.

4.) Lists!!

Life can get busy, and it can feel like we have a million things to get done at once. It is so easy for something to slip your mind. Lists are crucial for me. I have one for everything, such as Groceries, work, my internship, classes, etc. Lists help you prioritize your tasks and visualize what needs to get done.

5.)Digital Detox

Social media is a time trap. One second you're checking your texts, the next four hours, you're trolling endlessly through TikTok. You'd be amazed how much you can get done without your phone next to you. Download an app that allows you to set a timer for how much screen time you have. Hold yourself accountable. Your phone will still be there when your work is


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