Flourishing During Rough Times

Flourishing During Rough Times

Life as we know it has changed before our very eyes. The Spring and Summer months flew on by- and so much has changed all around us. As I have been working from home since March, I took the time to truly work on my personal and professional affairs. I graduated from my online school, obtained my licenses in two other professional arenas, AND successfully launched my site. The universe has truly been really GOOD to me. 

While all of my successes were abundant, I also endured a break up that was LONG overdue. As “open” as I am about various facets of my life, I have always been fiercely private about the men that I choose to date. That particular relationship taught me to ALWAYS believe people when they show you who they are. During all of that, I thankfully continued with my virtual sessions with my therapist and practiced LOTS self-care. 

When the world all around you is literally on fire, how is it that we are able to flourish and push through? I have had to ask myself this, as this year has been the most winningest time for me. Everything I have ever wanted- I was able to secure and maintain my peace. I believe my track towards my current situation(s) began last fall when I seriously took a look at my past and began to FULLY heal. I take my mental health and wellness very seriously - and I aim to maintain a sense of balance of peace and wholeness. 

Whether it’s from an intimate partner or a friendship, always remember to make yourself happy first. Do not rely on others to make you feel wanted or full. Tiny Buddha has a few tips on “How to Maintain Peace and Joy” despite our current struggles and uncertainty with Covid-19:

    • Be Grateful

    • Have “Me Time”

    • Take Care of Your Mind and Body

    • Cut Down on Negative Sources

    • Clean your Home- Remove extra clutter

    • Appreciate What Is Present

My routine the last 6 months has been a mixture of the actions listed above, as well as: listening to positive podcasts, journal writing, meditating when I wake up and before going to bed, walking/running 3-5 miles every morning and cooking my own food. I also make sure to only communicate with those who mean me well and pour into me. I LOVE my tribe- I can’t tell them enough how I much I love and appreciate their prayers and well wishes upon me. My wish for every one of So She Slays readers is more abundance, love, and wholeness. 

Until next time,

Prisca Liliane

@priscaliliane (instagram)



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