From Superwoman to SuperMom

Contrary to popular belief, your life does not end when you become a mom. If anything, it’s inspired me to become even more successful! Throughout my pregnancy, I was fortunate enough to get motivation from super mom, Aryn Chapman. Her advice made me so much more comfortable with my entrepreneurial status, while being a new mom. Hopefully her advice in this interview helps a lot of moms out there too! 

You’re a great mom. (Thank you) Do you ever feel there was a point where work took up too much of your time, over quality time with your son? If not, how did you find the balance. 

I felt that way all the time. It may not have been true, but that is how it felt. I scaled my business to match his needs of me. When he was small I would only work in the early mornings and in the evenings, as he got bigger I would work when he was at school or napping. Then when kindergarten hit, it was like a miracle. I could work almost 5 straight hours! Now he is a graduating senior and I still feel like I work too much and miss too much. 

I believe that life is a practice. You do the best you can today and then try to do better tomorrow. As long as your small people know you love them and that they are the ultimate priority, it will all be ok. 

As a person who’s worked with major companies like Mastercard, Louis Vuitton, and AJC Global Forum, but also smaller businesses, how do you determine which projects are worth pursuing? 

We pursue projects that either align with our core values of building a diverse and inclusive community or that add something special to our menu of offerings. So an organization that wants to try something new like hosting their event on a different continent or push the limits on virtual conferencing. We like to go on those adventures with them. 

Your business became successful before social media was a marketing tool. How are you now incorporating the use of social media to create more business opportunities? 

We are trying to be of service to people and organizations outside of our circle of clients. So, I like to promote other events, post tips and tricks and offer free downloads whenever we possibly can. I got into events to create community and so we do what we can to support that on all fronts. 

Has the success of your company exceeded your expectations from when you first began? 

Well, when I first began it was just me and one client.. So I’d say a resounding yes. I love what I do and I love that we get to do it even in the most strange of times. 

What advice would you give stay at home moms who want to pursue entrepreneurship? 

Be patient with yourself. It is going to be slow going. Work when you can and don’t beat yourself up about the rest. 

Find a community of women who are in a similar place and create a cru that supports each other. You’ll have a mom group, find yourself a business group too. 

As a new mom, you worry a lot. With Aryn’s advice on balancing time, being patient with yourself and overall business success story, I hope it has eased your worry as a working mom! 


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