Making Time Self-Care

Being a mom is hard work!

Every Soon to-be mom’s deserves some alone time for her self. A day full of pampering and feeling beautiful in their own skin. Here are some 5 ways to look after yourself during pregnancy. 

By now I’m pretty sure everyone knows that Pregnancy is an exciting time and brings plenty of changes and challenges, both emotionally and physically.

You’re probably focused on your growing baby, but it’s important to prioritize your own wellbeing during this time as well.  

1 . Get some good rest 

There are a few things you can do to help counteract a lack of energy. You may find that some of these tips work for you. Growing a baby uses up a lot of your energy. Ensure you get plenty of sleep overnight. Take catnaps during the day if possible, even if you just rest your eyes for 15 minutes with your feet up. 

2 . eat healthy 

I know this one is hard at times because we tend to crave so many different things whether it be pizza with wings or even spicy food. Don’t get me wrong I still struggle with this one at times but eating healthy is a great way to look after yourself during pregnancy. Nutrients such as protein, iron and the calories that come with them invest in your energy levels. Still make sure you eat them greens and drink lots of water! 

3 . Exercise daily 

Exercising is good for you and baby. You might find yourself changing your exercise routine everyday and that is okay. Walking 4-5 laps is enough or even doing some yoga. Don’t be too hard on yourself nor your baby. Talk to your healthcare provider of what types of exercises you can do and start giving your self some energy. 

4 . Dress up and let paparazzi take over

As your babybump grow everyday during pregnancy, it’s easy to feel increasingly unfashionable at times. Finding what to wear is one big struggle especially if it's for a special occasion. Therefore knowing your size is important to know when pregnant. If you’re a momma who loves dresses and more comfortable clothes but still want to look good here on some websites to help you out! I got you!

5 . pamper yourself daily 

Pampering yourself is an important role while pregnant. Taking care of your skin and body is so refreshing. Grab a mani-pedi when you can, especially during the last few months when you can't touch or even see your toes. A face mask routine every week is another great way to have a refreshing radiant mama glow. Big Fan of waxing? Book a bikini wax a week before your due date so there's one less detail to think about when it's time to meet your baby. Take yourself a warm bath or shower but avoid long, steamy ones. Warm baths while pregnant is not only relaxing, it soothes your tired, achy muscles and relieves pain. Furthermore, Make sure to Limit baths to 10 minutes or less. Sitting in hot water for an extended period of time may lead to hyperthermia. When this occurs, your body temperature becomes abnormally high.

Overall, I really hope these tips helped you in any way because you momma deserve to feel radiant and look amazing while pregnant. To all the soon to-be mommas out there. You are not alone! Keep glowing keep growing and never give up on yourself!


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