Tips for Maximum Productivity for Stay/Work at Home Moms

More and more women are deciding to become stay at home moms, there’s nothing wrong with staying at home with your lovely kids and still manage to work but let’s be clear it can be a little hectic here and there so I wrote down some tips and tricks to make things a little smoother for new moms or moms that are thinking about staying home.

You get to spend time with your children

Of course, the number one reason for being a working stay at home mom is that you get to spend time with your children.

You will always be there when your child needs you and you can spend quality time with your child while you’re working. Let me tell you it’s the best feeling being with your child while you still getting this money. 

Have a consistent scheduling

Being a working stay at home mom means that you can have a pretty good routine schedule. But it also means to stay really consistent with your work schedule. The time when your baby wakes up to the time you start working and managing. Although it may seem too much or very stressful but don’t worry try to do the small to-do lists in the morning and work your way up. It’s okay if you don’t get some things done on time/same day. The good thing is that you still got the next day to finish.

Having a productive dedicated  workspace 

The first thing you will need to do is find somewhere around the house that you can work productively. By having a dedicated workspace, you can avoid the pitfalls of stay at home mom jobs. 

It’s always good to dress up while you’re a working home mom 

Although it is a nice feeling to do your work in your pajamas. You should always have a routine for yourself. You don’t want to be too comfortable at home, and therefore you should dress up a bit to face the working day more productively. 

Get some fresh air outside 

In your stay at home mom schedule, you need to dedicate some time for yourself to go out and get some fresh air. Even if it means taking a walk with your little one or even exercising. Don’t get too worked up in your day to day work schedule. It’s always good to take a little time for yourself too.

Tips to plan your day as a work from home mom. 

  1. Find a working space

  2. Get a journal (It’s always important to write down your to-do’s)

  3. Create a daily schedule for time management

  4. Plan for distractions.

  5. Give yourself a deadline. (To accomplish the goals you wrote down)

  6. Give yourself social media breaks.

Now let’s look at some tips that you can do to be productive and happy as a working mom.

  1. Get dressed up

  2. Get some fresh air/exercise

  3. Set a schedule or list of tasks

  4. Eat healthy

  5. Put some relaxing/happy music to get you in a great mood

  6. Always pray

  7. Get your coffee

  8. Light up a beautifully scented candle

In conclusion, 

Now that we got everything out the way. I really hope these little tips and tricks helped you with your journey and if you’re starting to think to become a work home mom CONGRATULATIONS you’re gonna do great!!. If you have any further questions I will gladly get back to you with more tips and tricks. 




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