Lucky Girl Syndrome

Written by: Ali Kates

Lucky girl syndrome, do you have it? Do you want it? If you have never heard of lucky girl syndrome, it is the interpretation of the law of assumption (a.k.a living as though you already have everything that you desire). It is waking up every single day thinking that what you want in life is already on its way to you. For all my manifestors out there, you know what this is about because you already embody what this means. 

But for those of you that feel lost, confused or in disbelief around this trend, this article is for you. When people think of manifestation, they often think that you have to change your mindset and then elements of your desire will fall into place, but that is only a part of the equation. 

Let’s break manifestation down through a trauma-informed lens. If you are seeing everything through a negative lens, this is a good sign that your body is in a state of sympathetic arousal. This means that your body is running on high cortisol and does not know what is right and what is wrong. This can create a constant fear that something is going to happen at any given moment which is why “lucky girl syndrome” might be a concept that you cannot wrap your head around. If this is you, I want you to know that it is okay. If your nervous system is locked in a place of threat and is constantly waiting for the next shoe to drop, it will be harder for you to dream, let alone assume that good is on its way to you. 

I see this a lot in my own coaching practice. Individuals that have been through trauma and emotional pain are waiting for the next shoe to drop because their bodies have not completed the full stress cycle. If you don’t know what the stress cycle is you can check out my post here on it. 

So how do you get out of the stress cycle and embody Lucky Girl Syndrome? The first step is to biohack your nervous system so that your body recognizes that it is not in fight or flight anymore. Here are some tips for getting back into your body and moving out of fight or flight mode. 

  1. Do a body scan: Notice where you are holding tension in your body, is it your jaw. Neck, shoulders, stomach, hips, legs. Pinpoint where it is. 

  2. Ask yourself is this a feeling that you have had before? Do you know this feeling well? Does it have an emotion to it? A color? Age? Shape?

  3. Then use the scanning tool which you can find a video about it here on my IG to help your body come out of fight or flight mode. 

Manifestation is the belief that things are going to work out for you no matter what. Yes, research shows that people that are incredibly successful have a belief that they are powerful and strong, so that transcends into every single thing they do. The way we think and the words that we say to ourselves holds all of the power, that our inner world creates our outer world. Having the confidence to believe you deserve better can bring about chances for you to do better. Take the leap towards opportunities you may be fearful of and stop standing in your own way. 

Remember you are doing the best you can with the tools you have in your toolkit, and it’s okay if you need to upgrade your toolkit. 

Follow along for more content from Ali Kates, Emotional Health Coach & Trauma Recovery 


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