Ask A Man: What Do Men Actually Want?

Single or Taken, this is the time of year you may be wondering what many women are wondering… What in the blue hell do men actually want? But almost all women never get any real answers from men in their life, Well I’m here to help!

I asked five men: What Do You Want From The Woman You’re Dating Or Are In A Relationship With? Below are their answers.

Guy 1:
I really want good communication, to express their feelings and attention. If I’m being honest, sex is in there too.

Guy 2:
I want my woman to trust me with having women friends. I have women that are my friends and nothing has ever happened with them and I never wanted anything to happen, but many of the women I’ve dated have had a problem with it. Aside from that, support my passions. If you don’t I’ll end up resenting you and it will drive a wedge between us.

Guy 3:
I need my partner to accept me for who I am and support me in my endeavors. If I can’t lean on my significant other for support, we’re pretty much done. Making me feel supported is a big deal for me, especially because I’m trying to make big strides in my career. I’m going to need her support on that.

Guy 4:
I would like two main things from a woman that I’m dating, communication and honesty. Being able to communicate is key to any relationship especially with the person I’m dating. Honesty is also a big factor and if we’re dating exclusivity we gotta keep an honest dialogue about everything, even if it might hurt the other person to hear it.

Guy 5:
I expect a woman to be strong independent , reliable, resourceful, and faithful. It doesn’t even have to be to me . She just has to have faith in something bigger than us.

BONUS QUESTION: Do You Expect Your Woman To Go All Out For You On Valentine’s Day?

Guy 1:

Truthfully, for bros and I, the Super Bowl is more important than Valentine’s Day 🤣🤣🤣

But to be serious, when you have a woman you love you treat her like it’s Valentine’s everyday or every weekend.

Guy 2:

I’ve never been big on man made holidays. So no.

Guy 3:

No. Valentine’s Day is another day to me. But I’ve been single for 6 years so it’s not a big deal for me. Just let me know I’m appreciated every now and then and we will be good.

Guy 4:

Not at all, I really don’t care for the holiday. One day shouldn’t decide how you should treat and feel about someone. Especially to make it extra special. Everyday should be treated like valentine’s day (sounds cliché), but it’s true. Treat her like the queen she is on a daily 😉

Guy 5:

I think a woman should be expected to go all out for her man on Valentine’s Day, goodies and all!!!!!!

It’s sometimes nice to be inside the mind of a guy, but I think an important thing to remember is listen to what your partner says and act accordingly. Man or woman, you’ll make your partner feel loved and heard pay attention to how they feel and putting it in to action. The most important thing for you to remember is to ALWAYS LOVE YOURSELF!

I hope this was helpful lovers! Now, go get your love on!


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