Bachelor Slaytion - Week 8 Recap: Fantasy Suites

Welcome back to another week of watching Peter make some really questionable decisions! We’re almost at the end you guys, hang in there.

Last week we left off at the airplane hangar rose ceremony where Madison was just about to tell Peter that she is saving herself for marriage. We don’t actually see this conversation going as badly as Madison thinks it will. They sit down and awkwardly talk about the cold before Madison starts to explain that she is nervous about fantasy suites. Hang on, has she even mentioned that she’s saving herself? She seems to be dancing around it which is making it much more confusing for Peter. She kind of just says that it would be hard for her if Peter spent the night with someone else….color us confused.

Fantasy suites are happening in Gold Coast, Australia. We still cannot believe they’re wasting Australia on this train-wreck of a season. The tea this week is that the girls don’t usually all stay in the same place for fantasy suite week, so they’re all super confused when they find out they’re sharing a hotel room. Cannot wait to see how this goes down.

Peter comes to grab Hannah Ann for the first date. The daytime date is pretty uneventful. They make out on jet skis and take this absolutely horrific picture - that Peter proudly posted on his Insta story, btw. What is this pose? Hannah Ann’s model instincts are trying so hard to take over but they’re trapped by Peter’s legs. If we had to see it you do too.

They go to dinner and it is pretty clear that they are very into each other. The date is extremely sappy and Hannah Ann tells Peter she is in love with him. They head to the fantasy suite and we can pretty much connect the dots from there. Those shadows in the bathroom? Okay Peter!

Hannah Ann comes back from her date the next morning and this is the most awkward silence we’ve ever experienced. Madison and Victoria ask her how it went and pretty much all she says is “excited”. You are so eloquent, Hannah Ann.

Victoria has the next date. Pretty much all of America agrees that Victoria a.k.a. Red Flag Fuller needs to go. Peter, however, has yet to notice this. They go on a helicopter ride and talk about how their relationship is great “except for communication”. Um… we may have never been in a real relationship, but we can confidently say that communication is probably the most important part of one. Peter says he’s attracted to Victoria’s feisty “fire”. *pretends to be shocked*. He also said AND WE QUOTE: “As many times as she’s wanted to walk away from this she hasn’t”. *cue footage of Victoria literally walking away from Peter in last week’s episode”.


Back at the hotel, Madison tells Hannah Ann what she spoke to Peter about. Hannah Ann is visibly shook and you can just tell she can’t wait to gossip to Victoria when she gets back.

During the dinner portion of Victoria’s date, she tries to pass off some BS excuse for her gaslighting as the reason that she gets defensive. We see right through you, Vicky. But somehow, Peter does not and still says that he can see a future with her. She starts crying and tells him “I want to be good for you”. Ugh. They go to the fantasy suite where she tells Peter she is in love with him. She also says “I put him through so much”. UM. YOU SURE DID. We honestly hope that this was the best night of Peter’s life. If we had to deal with Victoria this entire season we sure hope it was worth it. Peter says it feels “So right, so easy, honestly perfect”. Someone help this man.


In true Bachelor fashion, they’ve saved the most dramatic fantasy suite for last. Madison and Peter climb up the side of a building or something. Doesn’t matter what they did, they’re in love. It is so clear. 


It’s the night portion of Madison’s date and this is where shit is about to go down. They get right into the awkward conversation, and Madison is handling it very well. She is extremely mature and composed. Basically, she says it would be very difficult for her to move forward with their relationship if he had been intimate with the other women. Don’t even think about comparing her to Luke P. Just remember the way he spoke to Hannah; Madison is far more respectful than that.

We definitely get the “what did you think you were getting yourself into'' argument, but fair play to her for sticking to her values. Madison tells Peter, “I don't want to feel like a bad person for the standards that I have and I am so proud of the choices I have made”. Yes Madison. Peter tells her he was intimate with the other women, and we’re pretty sure our hearts broke in half right then and there.

They’re hugging and crying and Peter is begging Madison not to walk away. We’re begging Madison not to walk away. The kangaroos watching them are begging Madison not to walk away. This is out of a movie. Peter whispers “I can’t lose you”. We feel like he should have thought about that before he consciously did something he knew could put him at risk of losing her, but the sentiment is the same. 

Regardless of Peter’s, ours and the kangaroo’s pleas, Madison walks away. We are going to have to wait until next week’s episode to find out what happens. What will we do with our lives until then?!

Xoxo Isa and Shelby


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