4 Ways To Make Your Bachelorette Party Empowering

Although there’s nothing inherently wrong with the boozy, naughty, and wild bachelorette parties that have become the standard of the practice, not all brides and bachelorettes are the same. There are divas among you who crave for something more, that extra smidgen of purpose that can take your experience to a whole new level of amazing. 

In fact, as you read away, many ladies out there are getting ready to transform the classic notion of this party into a timeless event, a memorable moment just before they get married and celebrate their friendships on a new scale. Of course, this is by no means an attack on the budget of the gals who will organize it, simply a few ways to add authenticity to the occasion. Here’s what you can do to truly slay for this bachelorette party of yours!


Your beautiful bride-to-be is about to enter a fascinating new chapter of her life, but to get there, she had to go through a unique set of ups and downs, her own life tests, and who knows the struggles she had to endure to become the goddess that she is. Well, the maid of honor and her hens know it best. You’re her closest circle of people that have watched and supported her into becoming who she is today. 

To commemorate that, you can set up a scrap book, a video compilation, and a presentation made of all those accomplishments, unforgettable moments, and details from her life that she should never let go. Everything that has helped her grow and that has built your friendships should be in those slides, videos, and images, and you should use this bachelorette party to visit the past, celebrate the present, and drink to the future!


Knowing the bride means that you will steer clear of any clichés when you’re about to celebrate her future marriage, her beauty, her essence. That said, if she’s not a pink, bubbly kind of a gal, this is by no means an excuse to put together an event that’s about to bathe her in pink. If she’s a lover of bold drinks, let her savor the moment by getting her favorite gin online and sipping it together in a classy atmosphere as you exchange your lady war stories. 

Photo by Abo Ngalonkulu on Unsplash

Who’s to say that the bride and her ladies can’t meditate over cigars and spirits next to a fireplace as they listen to Sinatra (nope, not Frank, Nancy) and talk good books and good memories? If your bride is a goth girl, an Adams Family theme with a focus on the ladies is another great way to celebrate love, femininity, and glam all at one go. Just stay true to who she is, and she’ll love it!


Some brides are givers, and when she says she’d love to make her bachelorette party stand out, perhaps this is your cue to give this event a charitable twist. She cares of a slew of different causes, she donates regularly, and she volunteers on a regular basis, so helping is a part of her identity. You can transform your party into a charitable event that not only celebrates love, but also gives her a chance to do what she loves the most: make a difference.

All attendees can donate to a cause she cares for, or the party can be set up to find homes for shelter puppies and kittens. If she’s the kind of gal that’s not very fond of extravagant gatherings and luxurious gifts, perhaps a bachelorette fashion show can help gather funds for the homeless. Get creative and you’ll certainly find a way to make this one of the most memorable, yet meaningful events of her life.


Has it been too long since your last getaway paired with girl chat sessions that would last well into the night? A bachelorette party can be so much more than dancing and drinking. It can be a chance for you, besties, to bond over one of the most important milestones of the bride’s life. You can organize a spa getaway, within which you can have a unique evening of exchanging friendship vows for each other.

Maybe she needs to hear that you’ll be there no matter what, that she’ll have love and support in you through thick and thin. Each bachelorette should write her vows to the bride, and the bride to each of you – so that you make a lifelong pact of support for one another.

Fun and purpose can go so well together, it just takes a little bit of imagination and some boldness to put together an unconventional, meaning-driven party for your bride. Use these tips and suggestions, and all of you ladies will have ample fun and bond in unique ways just before she kick-starts one of the most important changes in her life!


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