How to Take Risks and Win Big in 2019

I’m not afraid to take risks, are you?

If you’re reading this…you’ve probably answered yes, or may you have answered no? But ask yourself, would you consider yourself a risk taker? And why or why not?

Last year, I learned that there is true value in taking risks by going after what you want. That dream job you want is as easy as going to get it, wanting to increase your salary but afraid to speak up for yourself? Risk it. That promotion you desire, is as easy as asking for it, but it’s about taking that first step into the unknown—that risk.

In the last two years, I’ve taken plenty of risks. I quit a job without having any offers on the table. I booked a flight to New York without worrying about traveling solo or saving money, I took a job in a field I don’t have much experience in, I started dating again, and I reached out to people I admire on LinkedIn and potential mentors. I was taking risks and not regretting a thing. I always wanted to go to New York and finally booked a ticket, I wanted a mentor and finally decided I was going to get one, and well you get the point I’m making—I decided to take a few risks, and in the end, things worked out in my favor and here’s why:

Throughout life, as young women, or just as human beings, there’s going to be adversity, uncertainty, and levels of imposter syndrome that we all must navigate. But, there are rewards in taking risks.

Life doesn’t always go according to plan. Through the adversity and failures, I learned lessons and discovered my talents, ultimately, I was able to tap into my likes and dislikes, my strengths or weaknesses and identify areas of improvement and uncover areas of opportunity. In taking risks, life became more clearer about exactly what my heart desires. In taking risks, I realized that I deserve everything I want, and it’s just about making a conscious effort to go get it.

And, this is exactly why I’m going to convince you to take more risks in 2019.

What I’ve learned by taking risks in my life as well as my career is that, I’m only one decision away from making a good or a bad choice. And, if I don’t like that choice—it isn’t the end of the world, I’m just one choice away from another life decision and each risk is one way to explore and learn. Taking risks means truly investing in yourself, refining and honing your skills, allowing yourself to fail, learn, grow and become a better stronger wiser person in the end.

Here are a few steps in taking risks to help you win big in 2019:

Believe in Yourself.

Uncertainty and adversity can play huge factor. We all have that inner critic telling us what we can and can’t do, or why we shouldn’t and should do something else. It’s discouraging us from doing any of these things, and it’s playing into our fears by keeping us afraid to take risks.

Believe in yourself, believe in your abilities, capabilities, and your talents. When you believe in yourself, you start to develop a sense of self-validation and actualization, you’re able to take risks and learn that taking a leap can result in whatever it takes to achieve your dreams and smash your goals. You just must believe in yourself and your power, first.

Find your tribe and reach out to mentors, sponsors or just people you admire.

The internet is a beautiful thing. It’s connected us to people all around the world. And, because we have the internet at our fingertips, we have automatic technological ways to network and connect. And, I don’t just mean LinkedIn, or email—social media too.

There are online communities waiting for you to tap into, so speak up about what you believe in or state your opinion, you’d be surprised who finds you. Staying true to yourself can help you resonate with others online and organically create potential relationships, partnerships or even business prospects. It’s so easy to find your tribe online these days. Find other people with similar skills, or you’re your soulmate who shares similar morals and values. Take a risk by reaching out to mentors or people you admire

Don’t play it safe.

Taking risks means not playing it safe. Taking risks means not being too comfortable. Taking risks means pushing yourself so far out your comfort zone, that you begin to question your sanity daily. By being a risk taker, you’re willing to explore and embark on your self-discovery journey to manifest your heart’s desires, and that’s a powerful perspective to bring to the table.

Don’t play it safe, step outside the box and expand your perspective and challenge your outlooks on life or love, or whatever area you want to grow it. Growth happens when we decide to be vulnerable. Sometimes, not playing it safe and taking a risk can create other opportunities or expose untraditional paths, and doesn’t that sound like a lot more fun and challenging?  

The only true way to win in 2019 is by taking risks. Remember to believe in yourself, you’re your tribe, and don’t play it safe. The sky is the limit. Stay true to yourself by setting goals and taking a leap of faith or just make a choice to challenge yourself and step outside your comfort zone by making a decision and not worrying about the outcome. Life is about making choices and the only way to make career moves, money moves, or boss moneys is by taking those risks.

As risk takers, let’s commit to staying true to ourselves by betting on ourselves, to investing in ourselves, by trying anything once or twice, thinking outside the box, not limiting ourselves because an “idea sounds too crazy” and following through with that crazy ideas.


Black History Month


Laughs, cries and some Paris with London in between