Trying To Find A Balance In the Morning

The morning rush for work is now a part of my daily life. I can wake up early but hit the snooze button at least a few more times before I force myself out of bed.  

Before you judge me, my alarm goes off around 5:40 am because I have a long commute.  So I need to leave for work early. I wish I could be the girl who could wake up early and go to the gym. Every night I tell myself I will go workout in the morning, but that's in Gods Plan, so I force myself to go after work. 

Over the past few years, I have gotten it down to a science on how I can get up and make some moves to work. I do not want to feel pressure in the morning, so I keep my routine at a minimal. 


Night time routine:

  • Gym, Shower, Dinner
  • Pack my gym bag
  • Write in my Passion Planner to schedule my daily tasks, goals and meetings
  • Stretch and check blog emails, post on social media outlets--while having my diffuser on to relax 
  • Pass out 

Morning Routine


  • Roll out of bed and make it up. Yes, I have to make up my bed before I leave the house. (Shout- out to my mom for making that habit). 
  • Jump in the shower and thinking about my outfit for work. 
  • Watch the Golden Girls while getting dressed (secret obsession) 
  • Make a quick smoothie 

Out the door! I have become a multitasker and can get out the house in less than 40 mins. My nighttime routine helps me feel better about the next day goals, and I won't feel rush. I do not want to feel pressure in the morning, so I keep my routine at a minimal.

What are the routines that help you?! 


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