8 Tips To Get That Promotion (Yes, I'm Working On It Too)

I’m sharing advice to get you to the next level professionally.

Want a promotion but don’t know where to start? Take a look at my 8 tips to get you on the right track! Trust me; I took some notes when writing this; I’m trying to #levelup too.

8 Tips to Get That Promotion:

Reflect, Evaluate and Self-assess: Before putting some time on your manager’s calendar to chat about a promotion, take a good look at your work performance, current responsibilities, work ethic and attitude to see if you are ready for a promotion.

List out your accomplishments: Do you keep a leadership journal or quarterly grid to track your achievements and growth? I’d suggest that you begin to create your version of a quarterly career grid to measure your success and impact on the organization.

Work ethic: Step it up, love. How much do you want that promotion? Analyze your work ethic at your job…I’m not just talking about showing up on time and leaving early. How much effort do you put into your daily tasks/projects? Do you go the extra mile? I define going the extra mile by providing new client opportunities, improving efficiency and taking the initiative to lead projects.

Attitude: TRUTH MOMENT: I don’t smile and engage in conversation every day at work. However, I’m pretty pleasant. I pride myself on having a positive attitude. Keep in mind that people like working with and helping co-workers with a positive deposition.

Initiative: Once you master the responsibilities of your current role, push the limits of your work! Try to think outside of the box to consider better ways to do your job and actively make recommendations to your boss.

Gain outside education: Obvi, you already have what it takes to excel in your current role but have you been continuing your education? Not only staying ahead of trends for your current job but obtaining additional training that can progress you to the next level? Have your eye on a professional organization conference, TED Talk, or extension course? Do your research and pitch your boss on why your company should sponsor you to attend or to take that class.

It takes a village — find a mentor. I encourage you to find several career mentors to help guide your career forward; I have four mentors that I heavily rely on for business questions, recommendations, and corporate strategy. The ideal scenario is having at least one mentor within your employer and one outside your employer (but within your profession or industry). Finding someone who is at the c-suite level within your organization who                                                                                                  can be your ally, will benefit you.

Share your career goals with manager/supervisor. All great and progressive managers want their reports to succeed — because their hard work makes the boss look good and helps lay the groundwork for his/her next promotion. Assuming you have a good rapport with your boss go ahead and talk to them about your career goals. If you don't have a good working relationship with your manager, work on fixing that. 

Share with me your tips on getting a promotion, in the comments below!

original article posted on Werque


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