Two weeks into Q2 and it’s already been super hectic!

Dinner and drink dates, networking events, home decorating, sorority meetings/community service, writing for Werque by Dominique and not to mention my UC Berkeley Extension course, which means a 12-hour day on Wednesdays. When my personal life becomes overly hectic, I’ve noticed that my work life needs a bit of a recharge.

Since Quarter 2 started, a lot of change has occurred: a shift of responsibilities in my role, new clients, colleagues exiting my agency, and more pressure to get to the next level. I’ve noticed that it’s hard for me to deal with a lot of change all at once, so instead of embracing transition and future opportunities to come, I’ve been a little stagnant at my job and sort of lost my momentum. Now that I’ve realized that, I’m working towards becoming more engaged in my workplace and steering away from burnout.

As you know ladies, working a full job while trying to balance a busy social life can be super hard to manage. So I put together 4 tips to avoid job burnout so you can learn how to sprinkle some flavor to your 9-5 job again.

Think back to when you first applied for your current job. What excited you about the position and what motivated you to apply? It’s important to go back to basics when burned out so you can remember the purpose of your role. Being reflective tends to ground and inspire me to keep progressing forward.

Stay Organized & Diversify Your Daily To-Dos:
I keep my to-do lists, personal and professional on deck for the week ahead. I usually start preparing my to-do lists and scheduling my Google calendar on Sundays. Staying organized allows me to focus without constantly being anxious on what’s supposed to happen next. Also, have looked back on what your job responsibilities are? Maybe they’ve changed over the last 3-6 months. Perhaps scheduling a chat with your manager or supervisor might be needed to spruce up or realign your daily projects.

Take A Fine-Tooth Comb to Your Work Performance:
Have you been #slayingconsistently at your job? Take an honest assessment. Sometimes we get so caught up in the routine of the day to day; we forget to focus in on our work ethic and performance.

1. Examine your weaknesses. For example, my weakness is not paying close attention to detail. Now that I know that I need to ramp up on being more detailed, I spend an extra 5-10 minutes proofing assignments before I send off to my Supervisor and Director.  
2. Explore how to improve your daily process at work to be more efficient. Have you been analyzing ways to spend less time doing things or presenting an easier process for a project to your manager? Consider contributing more to your team.
Discovering a new project and turning your weakness into a strength will set you up for the next level in your workplace and will re-energize your passion…hello, promotion! #levelup

Use that PTO:
When’s the last time you took a vacation? A real vacation, like 5-6 days away from all your responsibilities… Don’t remember? Yeah, you sound like me. According to Harvard Business Review, 43% of millennials are workaholics. It’s important to acknowledge when you are feeling burnt out from work, and act on it. A self-care day here or there can go a long way. Always remember to take care of yourself FIRST, disconnect and recharge so you can produce meaningful and excellent work.

Have additional tips? Share them with me, in the comments below!

original article posted on Werque


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