True Feelings of a Job Interview

Yes, I want a job, and no, I have no idea how to deal with these interview questions.

Why I really need the job.

Job interviews are the WORST. We both know why we are here – you need someone to do your work and well damn I got bills to pay. Hello, Student Loan Debt.

As long as I show up to the interview groomed, polished and have the right credentials why are we wasting time with several meetings to see if I am a “right fit” for this position.  

Also, I hate when I walk into the interview, and they look surprised at who I am. Like didn't you check my LinkedIn profile. Let's not act like we don't know how to use the internet and snoop on someone. I know I stalk your profile once I find out who will be interviewing me for this position.

My favorite question will always be “Please tell me about your weakness and how have you worked on fixing it.” Why do you want to me say my weakness-goodness, please tell me yours so I can laugh at you for a good minute.

Keep asking me questions and I'll do this.

My mind is thinking why in the world will I tell you my weakness – “my” aka personal. What I always want to say is that I am way too real. Which I believe could be a great strength but hiring managers do not want to hear that. Maybe some do, but they have to be cautious with who they hire, I get it, I would be too. At the same time, don’t we all wish we could show up to an interview and not tip toe around with what you really want to say and be afraid that with one word or tone you are out of the running? Well of course, right? 

I’ve interviewed and hired many people in my positions and the way I like to handle interviews is pretty laid back. I want to get to know the person more and basically want to see if we could flow well. I’ve seen your portfolio, your resume, cover letter, your LinkedIn, social media, whatever I could find on the internet, etc so I know you are capable of getting the job done, I don’t doubt that. But the real question is… can you connect with my team and I? I don’t ask what your strengths and weaknesses are. I ask what is it in life that gets you excited. What’s the reason why you want to transition out of your current job. What is it about this position and my company that wants you to commute 1 hour to get here. Why should I trust you more than the other candidates. I know deep down, they need to pay the bills and want to make a transition, but there’s always those gems that really have their eyes light up and want to be more than just an employee, but a changemaker.

Apply apply apply!

Now that I’m on the other end of the stick and looking for new opportunities, I hate this waiting game. You send out your resume, I know I’m well-qualified for the position, but it goes through bots, keyword scans, and goes through this everlasting process when all you want to do is give up and lose faith. Why is it so hard to even get considered? The amount of stress and anxiety that percolates… man, I don’t have time for this! So you turn into an application machine.

Then you get a reply saying they would like to progress you to the next round, an interview, yes! Since when did getting an interview create so much excitement? I’m not even hired but I’m thrilled! I hate this process. A few rounds of interviews go by and unfortunately, it doesn’t come through, so you are back on the exhausting application grind. Your self-esteem can get lowered and self-doubt starts to kick in. Anxiety, depression, and stress of searching and getting turned down keeps rolling. This can last days, weeks, months, and even years while your friends are getting hired so easily left and right. 

You're welcome

Though times get hard, what I have learned from these experiences is the moment you start to accept, acknowledge, and let the Universe take control, is when the doors start opening up. I’ve always been the type to make things happen, stay in action, and just “do.” It’s hard to relax, it’s one of my biggest challenges that I am still working on. However, going through this transition in my life, I am slowly starting to release and accept whatever comes to me, because when I do, wonderful unexpected opportunities start floating my way. I’m not saying to give up and be lazy, but to start breathing and being less hard on yourself. The more you start to loosen your grip of control and fear, is when the elements start getting attracted to you once again. Trust me, it's freaky how it happens, but it does.

So no matter how stressful a job interview or applying to jobs may be, this is a process, it’s a transition and it’s okay to feel the emotions you do. Just don’t forget to breathe a little while on the journey. 




I Love Myself.